Infinite Sieve of Eratosthenes

a read

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a well known algorithm for finding primes. Typically, it is performed on a bounded set of N numbers to yield all primes less than N however with a few compromises, it is possible to make an infinite generator.

There is a solution floating around the code-scape using generator expressions which (on top of choking with python’s recursion depth) doesn’t properly follow the algorithm. This is the fake sieve:

from itertools import count

def primes(in_gen):
    prime = next(in_gen)
    yield prime
    for q in primes(x for x in in_gen if x % prime != 0):
      yield q


When running the above, it would appear sieve-like, right? Well, the problem is that there is no marking of primes, ie for a new prime to be yielded it must sequentially pass each of the previous predicates. The algorithm can be visualized as layers, one for each resursive call:


first: count(2)
second: (x for x in count(2) if x % 2 != 0)
third: (x for x in (x for x in count(2) if x % 2 != 0) if x % 3 != 0)

Clearly this is just an inefficient way to chain if statements. Rewritten more imperatively:

from itertools import count

def primes():
    primes = []
    for candidate in count(2):
        if all(candidate % x != 0 for x in primes):
            yield primes[-1]

The benefit of the sieve is that the primes come free, and the naive method does not allow for that meaning many additional computations. The gist above solves that fairly succinctly and legibly by calculating one multiple ahead at a time for each discovered prime and storing the prime factors for each number. When finding a number with no associated prime factors, it is guaranteed to be prime. Otherwise we “roll forward” each prime factor of the composite to the next candidate number.

The code explains itself better than I can, so dig in!


I compared this to a naive trial division implementation as well as the fastest “classic” non-generator implementation I could find: rwh_primes2_python3.

The generator is, with the additional overhead of “rolling forward” primes, quite a bit slower than the bounded version by about a factor of 20 but still looks linear from my calculations. Not bad considering the overhead required to generate infinitely and comparing the general legibility of the code!

Note that the number given to the rwh_primes2_python3 function is larger because the others look for the nth prime and rwh_primes2_python3 generates all primes less than n. For that reason, we need to give it the nth prime so it will calculate up to it.

With 10,000 primes:

python -mtimeit -s"import eratosthenes" "from itertools import islice"  "next(islice(eratosthenes.eratosthenes(), 10000, None))" && python -mtimeit -s "import eratosthenes" "eratosthenes.rwh_primes2_python3(104729)" && python -mtimeit -s "import eratosthenes" "from itertools import islice" "next(islice(eratosthenes.trial_division(), 10000, None))"
method result
infinite trial division 4.65 sec per loop
infinite sieve 39.7 msec per loop
bounded sieve 1.95 msec per loop

Removing the trial division allows us to up the numbers a little and compare 1,000,000 primes:

python -mtimeit -s"import eratosthenes" "from itertools import islice"  "next(islice(eratosthenes.eratosthenes(), 1000000, None))" && python -mtimeit -s "import eratosthenes" "eratosthenes.rwh_primes2_python3(15485863)"
method result
infinite sieve 7.3 sec per loop
bounded sieve 285 msec per loop